What is Still Life Photography

 WHAT IS STILL LIFE PHOTOGRAPHY - An interpretation of inanimate object Still life photographs can be just anything that doesn’t move. An Old Home,Indonesia. (24mm lens, 1/60sec. f/2.8, ISO1250) We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning. - Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) The term still life is derived fr...
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Documenting Childhood with Sony By Kerry Cheah

“Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard” – ‘The Scientist’ by Coldplay. Lately, the above refrain has been popping up in my head as I wrangle my children through a daily battle of wills.A movie of our lives now would not be filled with cool yet sun-drenched scenes of us laughing carefree in the park, or perfectly arrange...
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